The Palaeozoic flysch sediments from outcrops in the region of Cherna Gora (Kraishte area) are investigated by sedimentologists in scope of flysch rhythmics and presence of different lithological types (Yanev, 1985).
Data about determined thickness and age of the lithostratigraphical units are analysed in the present study without commenting on the differences and analogies in sedimentological aspect that have served as argument in introducing three lithostratigraphical units, and namely, the Parchar, Tumba and Propalnitsa Formation.
The thickness and the age data in the formal introduction of the Parchar, Tumba and Propalnitsa Formation are pointed by Yanev, Spassov (1985).
Parchar Formation. The age of the Formation is determined on the base of conodonts as Late Givetian - Frasnian. The thickness is 640-770 m.
Tumba Formation. The Famennian age of the Formation is not supported by palaeontological data. Its stratigraphical position between dated sediments of Parchar and Propalnitsa Formation is an argument to assign Tumba Formation to the Famennian stage. Taken dimension of the apparent thickness is 45-250 m.
Propalnitsa Formation. The Formation according to determined macroflora is referred to the Late Famennian up to the Early Carboniferous for the uppermost parts of the Formation. The thickness is more than 540 m.