125th Anniversary of Acad. Strashimir Dimitrov; 70th Anniversary of the Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

XIX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-26 September 2010

IGCP 469 Late Westphalian terrestrial biotas and environments

110th Anniversary of Acad. Prof. Strashimir Dimitrov; XVII Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association

Geodynamic hazards (earthquakes, landslades), Late Alpine tectonics and neotectonics in the Rhodope Region

“Geological Heritage of Europe” Dedicated to the memory of George P. Black – First ProGEO President

50th Anniversary of the Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

50th Anniversary of the Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Geological Heritage in South-East Europe

Geological Heritage in South-East Europe