K/Ar dating of the Eastern Rhodope Paleogene magmatism

pp. 49-59
Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

The Priabonian-Oligocene magmatism in the Eastern Rhodope Mts. took place during an interval of 11-12 Ma (37-25.5 Ma). Fauna-dated Priabonian and Oligocene sediments are interbedded by lava flows (dated 37-35 Ma and 34-30 Ma, respectively) which corresponds to the age of the Priabonian-Oiigocene boundary as proposed by O d i n (34 ±1/2 Ma) and C a v e I i e r & P o m e r o I (35.7 ±0,4). The youngest, subvolcanic dike swarms are intruded at the Lower-Upper Oligocene boundary (28-25.5 Ma). Small hypabyssal intrusions are found to be contemporaneous with the volcanic activity as a whole. Three of them are dated 31.5-33 Ma.