This article is about results of cadastre of unique geological and geomorphological values in the Castle Hill, in Hungary. The Castle Hill situated in Szanda (528,6 m) has preserved the remnant of the dyke ridge developed during the Miocene volcanism (16-14 Ma) in the Cserhát Mts., the special geological structure and landforms of the dyke and anthropogenic aspects of the mining activity. We would like to show these particular geological structures and landforms with a geological and educational trail extended new stages for tourists today. During our field works, geological and geomorphological values of the Castle Hill have been mapped and surveyed by the Cadastre data sheet of unique landscape values. We have made detailed description of different objects, we have taken photographs of them and we have mapped the route of the new, more detailed geological trail and the topographic situation and landscape values of the stages. Where it was possible, we have measured dips and strikes. Our aim was to cadastre and survey unique geological and geomorphological values of this important nature protection territory. Our investigation has explored 28 new geological outcrops and landform values and these can be built to the route of the older geological and educational trail.