Metamorphic mineral ages from garnet-kyanite gneisses in the area north of Xanthi documented a Jurassic and an Eocene metamorphic event in the Sidironero complex of the Rhodope domain. The two metamorphic events are well imprinted in the mineral assemblages, mineral compositions and textural relationships of metapelites within the Nestos Shear Zone in the Sidironero complex. The Jurassic event at HP-UHP metamorphic conditions is characterized by the mineral assemblage garnet-kyanite-Ti-rich phengite at the peak pressure. The Eocene metamorphic event at moderate HP conditions and minimum pressure > 0.9 GPa is characterized by the mineral assemblages St-Grt-Ms-Ky-Bt with garnet growth at the expense of kyanite or staurolite, and Grt-St-Ky-Bt with peak P-T conditions within the St+Bt+Ky stability field.