The main aim of the WG project is to identify and correlate lithostratigraphic units developed within the CBGA region. Although there are some lithostratigrahic units the names of which are used internationally within the region, the overwhelming majority of the units has special names from country to country in spite of the fact that many of the units are crossing one or several country borders. Therefore we want to identify and correlate major lithostratigraphic units in order to exclude unnecessary repetitions of names for well identifiable lithostratigraphic units. Calculating just 400 Mesozoic lithostratigarphic units by countries, in the CBGA region altogether there can be around 5000 units from which let us say 10% are common at least in two countries. This way the great amount of names could be decreased by 500. Supposing there are several units crossing 3-5 or even more country borders the number of lithostratigraphic units could be diminished by another 500.
What is the advantage of decreasing the numbers of names? It can promote a better understanding of the geological and geotectonic setting and via this the geological history of certain areas or broaden the frame of the known areas. Correlation of unified units from one segment of the Alpine orogen to the other will help in further understanding of the Tethyan closure and the Alpine mountain building. Besides that, how great advantage would it be for students if they could operate with fewer numbers of names.
Difficulties may arise while trying to correlate and unify lithostratigraphic units from country to country. We know that there aren’t any formations with 100% identity; if we succeeded in correlating a few formations we shall select a common name from among those names used so far in one of the countries for the future to be accepted by the national committees. We shall agree in regulations in advance to follow it in those cases where the solution is not obvious for everybody. There can be several stand points such as: which name was given first; which formation was described most properly; which formation's stratotype is better and more easily accessible; which name can be written and pronounced more easily, etc.
Because of the great number of lithostratigraphic units, and in order to promote the successful correlation the WG is subdivided into sub-WGs: Triassic Sub-WG, Jurassic Sub- WG and Cretaceous Sub-WG.
The introductory talk wants to give general information about the aims and structure of the project, about the approach and steps to be used during the process and also wishes to introduce proper situation when the correlation was successful without forcing it.