Using thin section autoradiography to detect the Uranium content of Fe/Mn soil nodules

pp. 69-71
DIPSA , University of Firenze, Italy
DISAT, University of L’Aquila, Italy

The natural radioactivity of some paleosols from carbonate and siliciclastic rocks was studied using synthetic polycarbonate plates (CR39) in some Central and Southern Italian regions. The results demonstrate that Fe/Mn nodules, which are likely to form commonly in hydromorphic soils, are capturing Uranium together with rare metallic elements which have similar ionic potential.


natural radioactivity, paleosoils, autoradiography, micromorphology


VOLUME 39 (3)/December 2010

Geological Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Geological Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Section des Sciences de la Terre et de l’Environnement, Université de Genève, Rue de Maraîchers 13, 1205 Genève, Switzerland
Section des Sciences de la Terre et de l’Environnement, Université de Genève, Rue de Maraîchers 13, 1205 Genève, Switzerland
Section des Sciences de la Terre et de l’Environnement, Université de Genève, Rue de Maraîchers 13, 1205 Genève, Switzerland
Section des Sciences de la Terre et de l’Environnement, Université de Genève, Rue de Maraîchers 13, 1205 Genève, Switzerland

Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev St., Block 24; Sofia 1113, Bulgaria

Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Block 107, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria; Institute for Energy, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, P.O. Box 2, NL-1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands
Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Block 107, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
Institute for Energy, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, P.O. Box 2, NL-1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands
Institute for Energy, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, P.O. Box 2, NL-1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands

Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Block 107, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria;Institute for Energy, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, P.O. Box 2, NL-1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands
Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Block 107, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
Institute for Energy, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, P.O. Box 2, NL-1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands
Institute for Energy, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, P.O. Box 2, NL-1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands

DIPSA , University of Firenze, Italy
DISAT, University of L’Aquila, Italy

Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev St., Bl. 24, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria