Geomechanical Database developed by Department of Geomechanics at University of Warsaw until recently, collected nearly 200 000 parametric data for Poland’s rock properties as well as respective non-parametric informations (descriptions, graphics) have been collected. The data concern rocks of different age and lithology from various regions of Poland such as Holy Cross Mountains, Sudetes Mountains, Cracow - Czestochowa Upland, Carpathians, etc. The geological regions are subordinated to physical and geographical subprovinces according to the Kondracki division system. The main purpose of Database is systematization and integration of geomechanical rock properties, and their quick search option for large multi-subject data sets. Each component of the Database is identifiable geospatially by means of the material (“rock object”) source location in the geographical coordinate system. With that, all data collected in the Database meet the GIS system requirements and allow co-operating with other information sets within the system.
Based on the unified research procedure adopted by the Department of Geomechanics UW, test results the BDG contains more than 50 000 strength and strain parameters; nearly 100 000 parameters of ultrasonic tests; and more than 40 000 parameters of physical features. Besides in database the data from special tests are collected such as surface roughness for rock fractures; long-term rock deterioration susceptibility under influence of weather or chemical factors. The base deals with data of rocks used currently as raw materials as well as not used recently for industrial purposes for various reasons, for instance due to the location within national parks.
The BDG operates basing on two systems cooperating with each other: The General Database system collecting data on the server, and The System of Applications for viewing the collected data, acquiring new data and for generating reports responding to queries.
The System of Applications consists of three modules: Main Module (MM), Search Module (SM) and Report Module (RM). The Main Module is intended for viewing the entire data base content and for entering new data. The Search Module provides with information selection required by the user. The Report Module presents reports in tables or graphics according to the available options.
The MM structure consists of seven hierarchic information levels in the following sequence: rock origin region, data of the object, rock type, geomechanical parameter, type of examination, data for sample group and data for single rock sample.
Created by Department of Geomechanics the Geomechanical Database operates based on the SQL programming language, which guarantees the system architecture compatibility with different up-to-date data bases. The applied information technologies provide with a full exchangeability of geomechanical data with other GIS systems, where UML, GML, GeoSciML, or XMML language was applied.
The BDG ‘foundation stone’ was the need for a quick search solution for data contained in large multi-subject data sets. Such solution was necessary for publishing the catalogues for Polish rock properties in the regional division. That is why the adopted internal database structure allows presenting selected information in tables or diagrams as well as quickly selecting information for scientific researches thanks to the in-built search module.
The Database layout allows presenting the data either against the background of wellknown geomechanical classification systems, or in needed sets of results. The Database is open and being permanently extended. Parts of the Database are available on the